One of the most anticipated sites during our stay in San Antonio, was the Alamo. However, as we neared the treasured site, the streets were blocked off with heavy construction machinery and temporary fencing strewn everywhere. We made our way around the obstructions to find the Alamo itself under renovation.
My husband, an avid photographer, was dismayed as he tried to get shots of the historic structure. Finally, he had to settle for the inclusion of a construction lift that marred his "hoped-for" pristine shots.
The saving grace? An archeology team shifting through the dirt to find treasures that would shed more light on lives and deaths in this historic site. We watched as they painstakingly poked and prodded the soil.
So, visitors beware. The peace and tranquility expected at this site where so many lost their lives does not exist in this reconstruction age. However, the development plans reveal the creation of a historic district with The Alamo as the central heartbeat. The past in all its glory framed by a modern interpretation. The items unearthed byy the archeologist will fill the display cases in the new museum.
To keep up on the construction news and devlopment processes, please see the following links: