If you read a previous blog entry, “Love is All – Even When Traveling in an RV,” then you know about The Albatross. It’s the gift that keeps on giving. It never lets us down. This time, after a horrific thunderstorm where the winds shook the RV from side to side, we awoke to a tiny “river” running down the floor towards the entry door. About three inches wide, it flowed freely.
At first, we thought that the high winds might have pushed the water underneath the slide- out protective rubber covering. We swabbed the deck and figured that was the end of it. We went out for a walk with the dogs and came home to a smaller, but very real river still flowing in the same place.
We poked and prodded to find the source. Finally, after a load of laundry, we discovered that our small washer/dryer combo was the actual source of the leak. The Albatross, not the storm, was to blame. We turned off the water source to the machine and did laundry at a laundry mat for the next few days. Not a lot of fun!
En route to our next destination, The Albatross offered a half-day layover at a friendly Camping World in Katy, Texas, where they opened the doors early and let us roam freely indoors with our two corgis. It was bitter cold outside, so even the dogs were happy to stay indoors while a new washer/dryer combo was installed…along with a new hoses and faucets.
With the river stanched, we continued our journey to Fort Sam Houston, Texas. A special “thank you to the wonderful people at Camping World! Let’s hope The Albatross behaves for the rest of the trip. Stay tuned.